Hamilton Place Area
1814 Gunbarrel Rd Ste 100, Chattanooga, TN 37421, United States
We all know Whole Foods, the giant name in the health food industry. The store does not need an introduction or any additional promotion. However, the reason we are listing them here is that when you walk in their doors, you’ll find vibrant stacks of produce, animal welfare-rated meat, Responsibly Farmed and sustainable wild-caught seafood, and body care products with ingredients you can trust.
They partner with farmers and suppliers and carefully vet their products to make sure they meet our high standards by researching ingredients, reading labels and auditing sourcing practices — all to make shopping easier for you.
* this section displays the most relevant Google Reviews according to Google's relevancy ranking
It is fairly easy to get around in Chattanooga. Here are some of the options: