Chicken Salad Chick

Hamilton Place Area

1820 Gunbarrel Rd #200, Chattanooga, TN 37421, United States

Stacy Brown has always been on a quest to find the perfect chicken salad. One day she had an epiphany: Everyone’s idea of the perfect chicken salad is completely different! The stay-at-home mom set to work perfecting her own recipe, recruiting her family and neighbors to taste-test, before arriving at the one.

“Southern cooks will tell you that every recipe has a story to go with it. This is mine.”

-Stacy Brown

Once Stacy had the chicken salad that made her family and friends say “mmm, yes ma’am,” she started dropping off samples of her creation in teachers’ lounges and hair salons, and then began selling door-to-door. Orders poured in; Chicken Salad Chick was born. One day Stacy received a call from Stan with the Lee County Health Department, who told her the home business was illegal. With her chicken salad still in high demand, Stacy and her husband, Kevin Brown, were motivated to open up a carry-out only, humble yet honest-to-goodness restaurant where they could spread joy, enrich lives, and serve others. The rest, as they say, is history.


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How Do I Get Here?

It is fairly easy to get around in Chattanooga. Here are some of the options:

Free Electrical Shuttle - yes, it's free!
Carta Bus - every 15-30 min
Uber or Lift - easiest way to get around
Your own car - parking is not always easy
Bike Chattanooga - $10/day or $50/year
Your own bike or scooter - best way to explore the city
Walking - let's put in some steps

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