Southern Squeeze – Hixson Pike

North Shore

1301 Dorchester Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37405

Southern Squeeze is Chattanooga’s first all-natural,plant-based organic juice bar and plant-based kitchen. It is the spot in Chattanooga for amazing plant-based and vegan food, revitalizing organic juice cleanses, and freshly-squeezed juices for healthy people with busy lives. It offers a certified organic, gluten-free, soy-free menu, comfortable seating, and a great atmosphere.

Know More About Plant-Based Nutrition

Southern Squeeze isn't just a business. Everyone here believes in the simple pleasure and wonderful benefits that a vegetarian or vegan diet full of raw foods, plant-based nutrition, and restorative juices can do for your body, heart, and soul. It’s not what they sell, it's what they believe. They invite you to visit then and, ask questions, tell what excites you or confuses you about juices, juice cleanses, raw foods, or any other part of a healthy, plant-based diet.


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Southern Squeeze – Hixson Pike
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How Do I Get Here?

It is fairly easy to get around in Chattanooga. Here are some of the options:

Free Electrical Shuttle - yes, it's free!
Carta Bus - every 15-30 min
Uber or Lift - easiest way to get around
Your own car - parking is not always easy
Bike Chattanooga - $10/day or $50/year
Your own bike or scooter - best way to explore the city
Walking - let's put in some steps

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